November With The Garden Club

Chipley Garden Club met Wednesday, November 6th at the First Presbyterian Church in Chipley.  The meeting was hosted by Club Treasurer Debbie Mitchell and Yearbook Chair Pam Morzos.

The program, Forest Diseases & Disorders, was presented by Tyger Adams with the Florida Forestry Service and Adam Stacy with Florida Forestry.  Information on how to identify issues with trees and forests of our area was provided.  It is important to have proper management, proper site prep, and avoid wounding trees.  Diseased trees should be removed as soon as possible.  Following the presentation, Adams and Stacy answersed several questions from the group.

WINNERS ANNOUNCED:  Club Member/Chipley City Council Member Cheryl Gainer McCall presented the 2024 Downtown Fall Decorating Contest winners with a trophy, a certificate and $50 cash prize.  The residential winners were Stacy & Mike Hansen at 745 3rd Street and the business winner was Washington County Historical Society.   Many Chipley residents decorated but, unfortunately, not many entered the contest.  The Yard of the Month Chair Dorothy Odom announced the November Yard of the Month was awarded to Southern Financial Group at 934 Main Street.

Club President Gweneth Collins reported on the FFGC District II Meeting in Panama City Beach.  She stated nine members attended and Chipley was recognized for awards won at the convention including Garden Club of the Year.  Club members were brought up-to-date on the status of the Sundial Garden, Youth Projects, Downtown Pots, Wreaths Across America, participating in the Chipley Christmas Fest, and Community Outreach changes.

Blue Star Marker Co-Chairs Mike & Stacy Hansen reported on the deteriorated condition of our Blue State Marker.  The club voted to have the marker refurbished.  The Hansens are also pursuing a plan to relocate the marker in a more suitable, visible location and to bring it into compliance.   Plans were made to decorate the markers in Chipley, Bonifay and Cottondale for Veterans Day.

If you are interested in more information on Chipley Garden Club or would like to attend a meeting, please contact Club President Gweneth Collins at 850-260-4049.  We welcome new members and visitors at any time.  Wishing all a beautiful Thanksgiving!