Chipley Garden Club


For many years, Chipley Garden Club has maintained the Blue Star Marker located in front of the Florida Department of Transportation on Highway 90.  These markers were installed throughout Florida as “A tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America”, and were sponsored by the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs in cooperation with the Florida Department of Transportation and the local garden clubs.

Recently, Veterans Affairs Committee Chairs Stacy & Mike Hansen have been very busy getting our marker into shape.   Also, the Bonifay and Cottondale markers have been adopted by Chipley Garden Club.

Chipley’s Blue Star Marker was installed in 1971 and has been refurbished and the bed rocked.   Bonifay’s “missing” Blue Star Marker was installed in 1962.  It was located in a pile of bushes just West of the intersection of Highway 90 and Highway 79.  Over the summer, the area was cleared and the marker cleaned.  Cottondale’s Blue Star Marker was installed in 1960 and is located on Highway 90 just West of the railroad overpass.  The surrounding area and the marker have been cleaned up.   All three will be maintained and decorated with wreaths, flags, signage, and potted plants for any patriotic calendar events.   The current decorations recognize 9/11.

If you would like to be involved or would like to know more about Chipley Garden Club’s projects, please contact Club President Gweneth Collins at 850-260-4049.

The club meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 10:30AM at the Washington County Ag Center East Classroom and welcomes guests and visitors.

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