Chipley Garden Club In September

September with the  Garden Club

The month of September always finds Chipley Garden Club busy as it is the start of the new club year.   To start off, the club’s collection of scarecrows started appearing around town and the club issued a challenge contest to the residents and businesses within the city limits: Decorate for Fall!  The contest runs during the month of September with two winners (one for Residents and one for Businesses).  Each category winner will claim a trophy, certificate and $50 cash prize.

Club member Tricia Dedge hosted the first meeting on Wednesday, September 4th at the Ag Center.  Judy Corbus, UF/IFAS, presented a program on Preserving and Using Herbs.  Some of her recommendations were flavored vinegars, drying by dehydrator, microwave, or air, and freezing in oils or butter.  Did you know that dried herbs are 3-4 times stronger than fresh herbs?  Judy also provided handouts on spicing up your life by using herbs and spices.

The business meeting was conducted by President Gweneth Collins.  New yearbooks were distributed to members and minutes and financial report were approved.

The September Yard of the Month was awarded by Chair Dorothy Odom to Brenda Harris at 1199 South Blvd.

The Butterfly Garden at Falling Waters State Park suffered a blow from the deer.  Coffee grounds, soap flakes and hair clippings were added which appears to have worked and the wildflowers are blooming again.  The Sundial Garden has been replanted and is in bloom and the Downtown Pot roses have been cutback and are blooming once again.

For our Community Outreach, club members collected clothing for Kate Smith Elementary School’s clothes closet.  The clothing and a donation of $250 were presented to the school by club members.

Youth Chair Linda Pigott requested club members collect dried materials, potted plants, succulents, and containers for our upcoming projects at KMS in the coming months.

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